Confessions of a wannabe Photographer

All about a Geek with a camera, high hopes, and little money or talent. Follow his journey as he discovers a few tips / tricks / hints, and tries to find semi-decent equiptment on the cheap.

My Photo
Location: "The South", United States

On a never-ending search for the missing "prodigal principles" in a world of confusion, and hoping I can leave a few nuggets of wisdom for my posterity, (and praying that I don't totally screw up my kids and family...)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Got the lens!

So, I decided to do a little Craigslist "snooping" to the other regions on the East Coast, looking to see if anyone had anything interesting to sell.

Lo and behold, I looked at the Washington DC site for the word "Tamron", and you'd never believe what some guy was listing!

Yep, it was my future lens! The 17-50mm f2.8, and he wanted about $125 less than retail.

My wife has a friend who lives up in that area, and she agreed to be a go-between for us. She met with the guy, bought the lens off him, and shipped it to me. Now, that is a real friend.

I hadn't saved up enough cash to buy it right out, but the wife said she would float me part of the cost of the lens, bucause she knew how much I'd been looking for something to replace the kit lens.

I've really been enjoying the lens, and have been loving the f2.8. It's a little soft that wide open, but soft at 2.8 is better than soft at 3.5 or 4.

I've never tasted Canon's "L" glass, and I probably won't for a while, but I feel better equipted to get creative with DOF and low light situations.

Most of the pics from this point on will probably be with this lens.

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