Confessions of a wannabe Photographer

All about a Geek with a camera, high hopes, and little money or talent. Follow his journey as he discovers a few tips / tricks / hints, and tries to find semi-decent equiptment on the cheap.

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Location: "The South", United States

On a never-ending search for the missing "prodigal principles" in a world of confusion, and hoping I can leave a few nuggets of wisdom for my posterity, (and praying that I don't totally screw up my kids and family...)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Yes, I admit it, I own a Lightsphere ... <shame>

I know the guy at Strobist would just hang his head in shame at me, but I decided to try the old Lightsphere II "Cloud". I just saw too many "Pros" walking around with them doing outdoor work. I thought I might has well try it out...

I've been using a Stofen OmniBounce for indoor stuff of the family, and it does pretty well for bouncing, but I wanted something a little more softer for the everyday stuff, and to add a little more light when I do shoot outside.

It really helps to soften things quite a bit. My Sigma 500 "Super" flash sometimes blows out the picture even with it on, but I think that has to do with my Digital Rebel only having one metering mode, so even on Auto I have to fiddle w/ exposure.

They also have an "AmberDome" to add a little more warmth + balance out the color, and a "Chromedome" that helps toss more light forward for when you don't have a lot of walls/ceilings to bounce off.

I'm not sure why, but the Chromedome seems to be as expensive as the Lightsphere itself. I'm thinking of trying my luck at buying another $10 "InternalDome" like the one that came with the Lightsphere, cutting a hole in the middle, dousing the whole thing w/ silver paint, and adding a little "kicker" to bounce some light back. We'll have see how inventive (read "cheap") I get...

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