Confessions of a wannabe Photographer

All about a Geek with a camera, high hopes, and little money or talent. Follow his journey as he discovers a few tips / tricks / hints, and tries to find semi-decent equiptment on the cheap.

My Photo
Location: "The South", United States

On a never-ending search for the missing "prodigal principles" in a world of confusion, and hoping I can leave a few nuggets of wisdom for my posterity, (and praying that I don't totally screw up my kids and family...)

Friday, October 20, 2006


Well, I finally did it. I put aside all my paranoia and decided to throw together a blog.

Really, I just needed a place to put my stuff for Photo Friday, and I figured I might as well try the whole "Blogging" thing while I'm at it.

As the title suggests, I'm not a real photographer, I just like to take pictures at family gatherings, parties, birthdays, etc. I'm not really great at it, it just gives me something to do with my hands.

Anywho, I might post stuff here and there, but nothing major.

Enjoy, and let me know if you like anything, or any constructive criticism as I'm working on not looking like a total noob with a trigger-happy shutter button.

- Noah


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