Confessions of a wannabe Photographer

All about a Geek with a camera, high hopes, and little money or talent. Follow his journey as he discovers a few tips / tricks / hints, and tries to find semi-decent equiptment on the cheap.

My Photo
Location: "The South", United States

On a never-ending search for the missing "prodigal principles" in a world of confusion, and hoping I can leave a few nuggets of wisdom for my posterity, (and praying that I don't totally screw up my kids and family...)

Monday, January 15, 2007

First Newborn shoot

A lady came down to adopt a newborn baby girl, and visited our Church while she was here. The wife and sister-in-law gushed about my past pictures, and she invited me to take pictures of the two of them.

The baby was very young, in fact I think she was only 3 weeks only when I took these pics. This was the first time I took pictures of someone with dark skin, let alone someone less than a month old.

Luckily, she had an idea of what she wanted, and brought some white towels and some other props, and I used a sheet of white muslin I hadn't died yet. It wasn't exactly as brilliant as a painted white backdrop, but it got the job done.

We took a few pics of the baby by herself, but I really wanted to get some good pictures showing the interaction of Mother and Child. I think we got some pretty good shots for what I had to work with.

I used two softboxes and a gold reflector. I put one SB to the left of the camera, and the reflector to the right. The other SB I put behind them on the right pointed to the backdrop to light it up. I probably should have put my hairlight on a boom to the right of them, but I didn't have that much time, and I knew shooting babies you have precious time before they lose it and hit "Tilt".

The lady e-mailed them to her Husband and other two boys, who were several states away, as well as several adoption forums. She said she got such a positive response to the pics that she had several people ask if I was available to fly out to take pictures of their children, (it was exaggerated, but it was still quite a compliment).

Anywho, take a gander...

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